Listening to: Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip
Thanks for dropping by! This is the first website I've ever made. I initially started it to help hold my personal writing, but I decided to make this a little hub of my own.
If you're interested in checking out my art, check out my portfolio (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)! If you wanna read my writing, check out the Writing tab!
If you're interested in seeing more casual interations, check out the links to my social media! And if you wanna get in contact, email me at!
Art used on my site that is not mine is credited in the footer. If you see your stamp/art/etc, please contact me so I can give you credit!
Make site mobile friendly. Work on Media Query/What should be changed
Work on Art hub.
Work on updating art at bottom of the page.
Work on making a diary/ranting area.
None (yet)

Recently Updated:
5/9/24 - Continued work on art portfolio, started creating Commissions Page.
4/11/24 - Began constructing art portfolio.
3/21/24 - Began constructing writing hub template.
2/29/24 - Continued refining base chapter page, fixed linking error.
2/22/24 - Continued work on changing style of Writing Hub, began work on info pages for writing.
2/15/24 - Started to change color scheme of writing areas to fit better with the rest of the site (ongoing).
1/30/24 - Worked on media query and began fixing issues with site rendering.
12/12/23 - Made this Recently Updated area.